5 Quotes & Sayings By Sabina Nore

Sabina Nore is a bestselling author, blogger and public speaker from the UK. She writes books for young adults, as well as YA fiction. She is the author of the award-winning series "The Flame War", "The Choir", "Hannah's Story", and "The Summer Project". Sabina has been a guest on ITV's "This Morning"; BBC Radio 4's "Woman's Hour"; BBC Breakfast; BBC News; Sky News; and Sky News' website. She has been a panelist at the Bookseller Book Fair Literary Festival, London Book Fair, London Book Week, Hay Festival and seminar at Cambridge University Read more

Sabina sits on the judging panel of the Ladbroke Author Awards and has been a guest speaker at Debenhams Author Event.

A healthy society begins with healthy individuals. Sabina Nore
Curiosity leads to knowledge. Knowledge leads to understanding. Understanding leads to love. Love leads to harmony. Be curious. Sabina Nore
You can not teach art, it's not to be taught, but felt and lived, or else it is naught. Sabina Nore
The ability to ask questions is a virtue and a trait of a free thinker. Sabina Nore